Building Family Ties
With Faith, Love and Laughter
is a small hardback "gift" type book.
As you turn the pages you will learn how
to develop a family "mission" statement,
make lasting memories
out of the everyday ordinary life stuff,
capture teachable moments with your children,
protect family time,
enjoy laughter,
cultivate contentment,
build loyalty
and security,
learn to serve one another,
to pursue true JOY.
Interested? ☺
When Jesus came to earth he had a mission to find and save the lost. His mission was love and his method was making disciples.
"what we say to our children
is prophetic
for better or worse..."
12 godly words...I was wrong. I am sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. (and if you haven't spoken those for a long time, try these Let's eat out). These communicate confession, repentance, forgiveness and the greatest of these...L♥VE.
Senior Pastor at Southeast Christian Church in Louisville, KY. He and his wife Beth have three children: Savannah, Sadie, Sam, and son-in-law Patrick. Dave believes the most practical way to spread the gospel is through moms and dads who model a genuine faith for their children.
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.