
Friday, May 18, 2012

the birdies in the treetops

♪sing ♪ their song
the angels chant their chorus
all day long
the flowers in the garden
praise Him too
(how many birds can you find?)
so why shouldn't I
why shouldn't you
praise Him too!
this beautiful park
(reminded us of a very mini NY central)
neighbors the
National Aviary.
I have never had a squirrel come that close...
next time we will pack up the bikes,
pack a picnic
(and the kids ☺)
but this day
was my "gift".
and gift it was.
such refreshing

 here we go

what a wonderful
waiting at the entrance!

so majestic
created to SOAR

MAJOR attitude...
and is perhaps the reason they "suggest"
you wear a hat when you visit...

who lives here?
I kept expecting to see Big Bird ☺


and almost last,
but not least...
my favorite.
in this peaceful area
little birds chirped...
a volunteer seated in wheelchair
was identifying these small birds
so I asked
about this one...
he was blind
 knew each one
by it's ♪ song ♪.
(notice random tree with CHRISTmas lights)
Bolivia's condor
the end.