this hard back book has
a little handle so it can be carried
by those chubby little toddler hands. ☺
Beautifully illustrated and easy to read.
Toddlers seem to always be on the move...
read to them,
they ARE listening!

Written by Fiona Boon.
Illustrated by Lara Ede.
I received a copy of this little book for the purpose of review.

For my friends in the baby/toddler time of life. ☺ Whether you work outside or at home, are a mom or a dad...his is a refreshing and helpful read for what is a precious and possibly "exhausting" time of life ♥.
*Practical advice on toddler tantrums, food and bedtime battles
*Practical advice on toddler tantrums, food and bedtime battles
from a Biblical world view.
*hope filled''time-outs" for mom.
"Treasure" the time. Stay home a lot if necessary. Keep a regular schedule with lots of opportunity for them to use their energy in positive ways. Give choices.
My favorite thing in the whole book...If your little ones are early risers, make this the time of life you snuggle and watch the sun rise.
(I am not a "morning" girl, but now that I know from experience how quickly this time does go, I would have. You can do anything if you know it is not forever!)
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.