
Monday, April 30, 2012

Bringing Up Girls

Bringing Up Girls: Practical Advice and Encouragement for Those Shaping the Next Generation of Women

Dr. Dobson presents his companion book to the runaway hit Bringing Up Boys. ☺
"Based on the latest research and handled with Dr. Dobson's trademark down-to-earth approach, Bringing Up Girls will help you face the challenges of raising your daughters to become strong, healthy, and confident women who excel in life."

This book is thorough.  I'll be honest.  Before I read, I thought, this book is written by a dad for dads...I will be listening in on the conversation. Nope.  I love being a mom.  It's what I always wanted to be...and Bringing Up Girls truly has encouraged me to be a better mommy.  Yes, some parts scared me out of my mind.  This is a difficult world to raise girls in (but it always has been, right?!).  The thing is, I can do what makes a difference.  Be there. Love and nurture.  Pray to Jesus for faith and grace and strength to cover my weakness.  I don't know what to say without quoting most of the book.  READ Bringing Up Girls!
 Thank you Dr. Dobson. You have given wise counsel.  Helpful and up to date resources.  Thought provoking facts.  Practical Biblical insight for today's culture. 

I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.