I pinterest.
meaning "pin" and possibly, actually try-out the stuff. smile.
Pinterest (for me) is even better than the ancient Childcraft Encyclopedia that was full of craft and other creative ideas.
ideas such as this miracle laundry whitener. (it sort of worked)
but what REALLY does work *that I credit not only to pinterest, but to my fabulous friend...mom to boys (which makes a difference because in my mind boy laundry is harder to clean. ha.). I walked into her kitchen one afternoon as she was pulling out a lovely blue liquid from the microwave. Home-made dish detergent you say?!* so now I make this:
3 T. Borax
3 T. Washing Soda
2 T. Dawn (the blue kind works best)
and double the "recipe".
"tweak" it to be
equal portions of Borax, Washing Soda and Dishwasher powder.
I have found that this powder mix along with a bit of white vinegar in the wash cycle
makes a fresh, soft, clean load of laundry!
(wasn't planning on sharing all that exciting information, but it was on my mind as i need to mix up some more.
By the way, I just now finished the boxes of Washing Soda and Borax I bought back in March. ☺
just saw this...

and THIS
(which I will more than likely never do,
but love the idea even on a smaller scale)


bake brownies in cookie cutters to give as gifts
and...SINCE football games last forrrrrrreverrrr (or a long nap)
this weekend...
free print out to share on
and...SINCE football games last forrrrrrreverrrr (or a long nap)
this weekend...
H caught her first fishy
C and I were at the Living Proof simulcast.free print out to share on