
Monday, December 17, 2012

she's back ☺

Remember Lily?!

My girls do.  In fact, this week I was on a hunt for the fiction/non-fiction pair that jumped out of the mailer into the hands of one other friend.  Um, girls, I want to post a review by Friday...My turn now. (laughing). 
These are the second books in the Lily Series.
"Mom, MD stands for Medical Dabbler. This one is my favorite."
Lily Robbins, M.D. (The Lily Series)

Lily Robbins, M.D.– It’s Dr. Lily to the rescue!
*ages 7-11
*Super fun fiction for girls that will also help them deal with the issues tweens face
*Engaging story and a charming, clever, and not-so-perfect main character who girls will relate to
*Perfect pairing with companion non-fiction title, The Body Book
As a mom, I choose this one as a "favorite".  We are in "continual" girl talk mode at our house.  One who prefers to "please NOT talk" about this stuff.  The other would like "details please".  I go with whatever the questions are.  A book like this is a mom's friend.  You can leave it laying around, knowing that if you have a daughter that might be curious about something, but not thrilled to ask it out loud, she can "look it up".  (And I have noticed that does happen☺).  Author Nancy Rue discusses everything from hormone changes to diet, that "special" time of the month, in an appropriate manner for an in-between little girl/teen.   The book is packed full of fun quizzes, creative illustrations and activities.  My favorite part is that every page is written from a Biblical World view with the clear message that all of these "changes" are a God thing.
The Body Book

*ages 7-11
*Non-fiction book encourages girls to embrace the unique and special body God gave them and to trust Him during this time of transition
*Fun Q&A format provides helpful, practical tips for all the body changes tweens are experiencing

I received copies of these books for the purpose of review.