A blessed struggle?
the most beautiful things that God says
are reserved for those that struggle with fear
God rehearses His promises
I recently started Kay Arthur's Breaking Free from Fear
no-homework (not that I mind the homework, but with the start of school...did you hear THAT?! NO HOME WORK ☺) Bible study.
This is a 6 week study with each week taking about 1/2 hour to 45 minutes. If you are not familiar with a Precept study - it is a fun way to go deep in the Word. "Specially" if you are a mark up/hi-light your Bible or book sort of person. In this study the verses are printed right along the side of each page. I think one of the reasons this type of study is effective for me is that I am reading and re-reading the text while *searching for something different* (this helps keep me focused).
*For example, put a ♥ over every reference to love in the passage
a triangle for reference to God
draw a jagged circle around "afraid" or "fear"
That was the "OBSERVE" section of the week. Next DISCUSS with specific questions and helpful study insight.
"we looked at David, a man who confessed that he was opposed, trampled on, shedding tears--afraid. Yet he recorded for posterity that When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You Psalm 56:3. The future king didn't minimize his situation or deny his feelings; rather he described how he conquered fear's bondage: David put his trust in God."
Kay Arthur
Kay Arthur’s exciting, practical approach to the Scriptures has influenced thousands to use the Inductive Bible Study Method in their personal studies. Her distinguished Christian character, Bible teaching, championing of the Inductive Bible Study Method, and national radio and television programs motivate others to discover truth for themselves. Kay’s passion is for people to be established in God’s Word.
I received a copy of this book for the purpose of review.